I'm always thinking about the reason why humans exist. I don't know why, but it's something that can play on your brain a lot, especially if you've just had enough with life. Why are we here? What's the meaning of life? What is even my purpose here? What does my existence mean? Everyone's here for a purpose. Everyone's actions are done for a purpose, no matter whether it's conscious or sub-conscious.

What was my 'purpose' for not eating? At first I thought it just involved me losing a bit of weight but it turned into a way more complicated situation than that. What was the 'purpose' for first starting to self-harm? I didn't even know what the words "self-harm" or "anorexia" or "hallucinations" or "mental illness" even meant. I was a young child and didn't even understand why I was doing what I was doing and why I was experiencing things no one else seemed to.

I didn't quite know what to write for the word 'purpose' as nothing jumped out at me as meaning anything specific. I actually had to properly think for this one rather than splurge out the first thing that popped into my head (which I find actually works out better otherwise I'd never post anything as I'd think it was too crappy!). 

So our purpose in this life? I found a quote that I think explains it.

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." ~Dalai Lama

If even half the population followed this belief then we wouldn't even have wars, we wouldn't have overpowering conflict. In my opinion it would make the world a much better place to live. At the moment it's just filled with violence and judgements. To me, that just exacerbates people's mental illnesses and makes them feel a lot more alone and isolated; scared of people's judgements and harsh words. 

I've gone off topic here. Ma bad. I'm sat watching Ice Age. My purpose? It at least makes me smile ;)

Take care all. <3

26/6/2012 05:43:57 am

I love that Dali Lama quote... so true! If only we could also remember to apply it to ourselves consistently :) Interesting point to ponder, too, what purpose our "issues" serve/d and how innocently they may/may not have begun. Good stuff for me to think about. Thanks for this thought provoking post!


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