
Ever feel that when you're forced to do something that it makes you want to do it so much less than if you were going to do it under your own steam? Or if you are denied something that you want it more than if you weren't told "you can't have it"?

In regards to eating and such, I normally find that I will eat if it's under my own steam. At least then I feel like I'm in control of it. I may not eat as much as I should and I will still eat less than what is considered 'normal', but at least it's something.

However, if someone gets me something to eat and tells me to sit at the table and eat it, I find I'm sat there thinking "Y'anno what, I just won't have anything now". Is that bad? Maybe it's because someone taking away my control makes me stick my heels in the ground and take my control back. I don't like force. It leaves the responsibility and the decision to someone else. I like having the control. Force seems to make things worse.

I've found that in in-patient units and such, even with boundaries and rules, I normally regress because you're forced to follow the rules. If not then you're given ultimatums. 'We'll keep you here longer' 'We won't make any more appointments'. Sound familiar?

I think someone forcing you to do something takes away your control and makes things worse. I've been a hell of a lot better since moving in with my foster family. I'd gotten so institutionalised it was ridiculous. Having the freedom to allow me to make my own choices without being forced has helped me in ways I could never have imagined.

12/6/2012 09:41:27 am

Everything you said in the first paragraph resonates so strongly with me! Sometimes, just because I'm told "do it" or I'm told "you can't" I push and push even more. Never realized how much it's about control....


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