
I hate this word. I mean like, I really hate it. Whenever I'm on Facebook or something like that, people are always posting pictures of models and fit girls from magazines or websites. To them, those models pose to show "perfection". 

Realistically, what is perfection in regards to the media? It's not natural women with blemished skin and a healthy weight. It's women who have been air-brushed to within an inch of their life and put on diets that are so restricting that you may as well call them anorexic. But this is what people are viewing as the perfect body.

What is the perfect body? Are they what we see in magazines? No chance. I'd rather see magazines full of natural women that haven't been airbrushed and edited. Yeah, make-up is fine. Plastic surgery? Botox? I don't think so. I totally disagree with it. I understand people wanting to 'perfect' their appearance and heighten their self-esteem, but don't do it. 

Take it from me, you're perfect in every way. You're beautiful. You don't need to edit yourself or keep working on yourself. I love you as you are. I think you're perfect AS YOU ARE. And if other people can't see that, screw them!

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